I'm kind of obsessed with packaging. Really. Especially packing wrapped in twine. (cue the singing: "brown paper packages tied up with string/these are a few of my favorite thiiiiings!") I'm also trudging through a good 8 inches of snow, and I'm wishing springtime would come soon. (is it too early to wish for that?) There's nothing like flying a kite on a windy spring day, and since I'm going to have to endure this snowstorm at least I can wrap presents that bring a touch of spring, yes?
Thus, here's the "Fly-the-Kite" wrapping tutorial. It's. so. easy. peasy- so much it's a little embarrassing, but then again, it's a lot of awesome, too!

Major confession here: I am so frugal that I feel guilty about throwing away my salvages. (blame it on the recession and sky-high fabric prices) But! I finally decided that I really needed to get rid of my bag of scraps, and this project fit the bill quite prettily, if I do say so myself. You'll need salvages/thin strips of fabric (or ribbon) and some cotton twine.

Basically, this is the entire tutorial. (I told you it was so simple that it was embarrassing and amazing all rolled into one!) You tie said salvages/ribbon/fabric scraps in knots all along your desired length of twine. I cut my salvages into about 5 inch strips, then tied those and just trimmed the edges so they'd be even. Repeat, repeat, repeat!

This is actually how I packaged off my first batch of cards for the shoppe (go order a pack and you'll get to see this pretty wrap in person, folks!). I folded the packs in tissue paper, wrapped my "kite tail" around and secured it with scotch tape on the back. I slipped a paper doily underneath and added a little personal message, too- just because personalized touches like that make me smile. :) See?
After I already had these pictures taken (yep that means you miss out on seeing something- how'd you guess?), I made pretty sweet business cards for the shoppe- and I slip that underneath as well.
You don't have to go with the pastel theme- you do this with various shades of red/plaid for "kite tails" and old sheet music instead of tissue paper, too- possibilities, possibilities!
(did you DIY it? I would lovelovelove to see pictures! hoping to have a "you did it!" page on the blog soon, featuring all your takes on my projects- so send me pictures @ peachesncreamstudioATgmailDOTcom!)